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What are the gains for Somalia by joining the EAC



Somalia is a country in the Horn of Africa that has been plagued by conflict, instability, and poverty for decades. The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organization that promotes economic integration, cooperation, and development among its member states. In November 2023, Somalia was admitted as the eighth member of the EAC, joining Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. 

The main argument of the article is that Somalia’s entry into the EAC is a strategic and beneficial decision that will open up new opportunities for trade, investment, security, and others including but not limited to:

1. Economic benefits: How Somalia can access a larger market, attract more investment, diversify its economy, and reduce trade barriers by joining the EAC.

By becoming a member of the EAC, Somalia can access a larger market of over 200 million people and a combined GDP of over $200 billion1. This can boost Somalia’s exports of livestock, bananas, fish, and other commodities, and increase its imports of food, energy, and manufactured goods. Somalia can also attract more investment from within and outside the region, as the EAC has a common market protocol that allows free movement of capital, labor, and services2. This can improve Somalia’s infrastructure, productivity, and competitiveness, and create more jobs for its young and growing population. Somalia can also diversify its economy by developing value-added industries, such as food processing, construction, finance, and digital economy, as the EAC has a customs union that eliminates internal tariffs and harmonizes external tariffs2. This can reduce Somalia’s dependence on primary commodities and enhance its resilience to shocks, such as drought, conflict, and price volatility. Somalia can also reduce trade barriers by simplifying and standardizing customs procedures, transit arrangements, and quality standards, as the EAC has a trade facilitation framework2. This can lower Somalia’s trade costs, improve its trade logistics, and increase its trade compliance, and expand its trade potential, especially with new markets in Africa and beyond. In summary, Somalia can benefit from increased trade, investment, diversification, and integration by joining the EAC, but it also needs to implement reforms, strengthen institutions, and enhance cooperation to maximize the benefits.

2. Security benefits: How Somalia can enhance its stability, counter terrorism, and cooperate with its neighbours on peace and security issues by joining the EAC.

Somalia faces some of the most complex security challenges in the world, such as the threat of al-Shabaab, a terrorist group that has carried out deadly attacks in Somalia and neighbouring countries3. Somalia also suffers from instability, weak governance, and humanitarian crises, such as drought and famine4. Somalia recognises that it cannot address these challenges alone, and that it needs the support and collaboration of its regional partners. By joining the EAC, Somalia can enhance its security forces, coordinate with international partners, and build its own operational capacity to prevent and respond to terrorism and crime3.

Somalia can also benefit from the EAC’s trade facilitation framework, which can improve its border security, counter the financing of terrorism, and reduce the appeal of radicalization and recruitment to violent extremism3.

Furthermore, Somalia can foster peace and stability by strengthening its diplomatic relations with its neighbours, resolving disputes, and participating in regional initiatives, such as the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), which is a peacekeeping operation that supports the Somali government and security forces4. In summary, Somalia can enhance its stability, counter terrorism, and cooperate with its neighbours on peace and security issues by joining the EAC, but it also needs to implement reforms, strengthen institutions, and enhance cooperation to maximize the benefits.

3. Social benefits: How Somalia can improve its human development, promote cultural exchange, and foster regional integration by joining the EAC .

Somalia can improve its human development by accessing the EAC’s social and economic programs, such as the Common Market Protocol, which allows for free movement of goods, services, capital, and people5. Somalia can also benefit from the EAC’s health, education, and infrastructure initiatives, which aim to improve the quality of life and well-being of the citizens6.

Somalia can promote cultural exchange by participating in the EAC’s cultural and sports activities, such as the Jumuiya Festival, the EAC Arts and Culture Festival, and the EAC Games3. Somalia can also share its rich and diverse cultural heritage with the other member states, and learn from their experiences and best practices7.

Somalia can foster regional integration by contributing to the EAC’s political and security cooperation, such as the EAC Peace and Security Protocol, which provides a framework for preventing and resolving conflicts, combating terrorism, and promoting human rights8. Somalia can also support the EAC’s vision of a political federation, which aims to create a united and prosperous East Africa.

Somalia’s admission to the EAC is a significant milestone for the region, as it opens new opportunities and challenges for both Somalia and the existing member states. Somalia can leverage its strategic location, vast coastline, and marine resources to enhance the EAC’s trade and connectivity. Somalia can also benefit from the EAC’s solidarity and support in addressing its security and development issues. By joining the EAC, Somalia can play a vital role in advancing the regional integration agenda and achieving the sustainable development goals.


Somalia has recently joined the EAC, a regional intergovernmental organization that aims to promote trade, security, and development among its member states. By joining the EAC, Somalia hopes to benefit from the following advantages:

Increased business opportunities: Somalia's extensive coastline links the country to the Arabian Peninsula, a thriving economic region. Additionally, there is promise in mining, agricultural, fishing, energy, and livestock exports from Somalia. Through membership in the EAC, Somalia will have enhanced entry to novel markets and investment prospects, in addition to privileged trade agreements and standardised trade policies and guidelines.

Greater security: For decades, Somalia has been plagued by conflict and instability, and now it faces the threat posed by the Islamist extremist group al-Shabab. Through membership in the EAC, Somalia will have access to the organization's dispute settlement and mediation procedures as well as increased security and defence cooperation with its neighbours.

Access to resources: Additionally, Somalia will have access to a multitude of resources that the EAC offers to its member nations, including development programmes, healthcare, education, and financial and technical support. With the aid of these resources, Somalia will be able to raise the standard of living for its people and promote social and economic development.

In conclusion, joining the EAC is a positive move for Somalia, as it offers hope for a future of opportunities and prosperity. Somalia will be able to leverage its untapped potential and play a more significant role in regional affairs. However, Somalia will also have to address some challenges, such as corruption, governance, and security, in order to fully benefit from the EAC integration.











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