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Showing posts with the label Sitreps

The Somali Political, Security and Economic Dilemma

Somalia is listed as one of the poorest and most volatile countries in the world. More than 25 years of civil war, famine and a lack of government has left the country in fiascos. Unless realistic measures to fix the situation and the underlying causes; the situation will get worse, and time is not our side. In the past, the international community has assumed that instability in Somalia is caused by its weak government and that the solution is to strengthen the government so it can enforce law and order in the country. However, this is only part of the problem. The real cause of the chaos in Somalia is the fragile economy and lack of security within the country. Unless these problems are solved, nothing will change in Somalia and things will continue to get worse for the country and the people of Somalia. Somalia locates in the Horn of Africa and is an East African country with a history dating back more than 2,000 years. The country is home to numerous ancient ruins, including th

Restoring Severed External Relations With Somalia

The month of July comes at a time president Hassan Sheik Mohamud is touring the neighboring countries in Africa and the Middle East. President Hassan visited UAE, Kenya, Djibouti, Eriteria and Egypt where he met his counterparts on strengthening collaboration between Somalia and those countries. Some of these countries have had political standoff between the recent government such as Kenya and UAE, Djibouti lost its position as a brotherly nation with Somalia and Egypt remained skeptical about the closer ties Somalia had with Ethiopia who’s its renaissance dam draw severe relations over the Nile water shares. President HSM have as well paid an official two days’ visit to Turkey for bilateral relations and steps to enhance cooperation. The Ankara-Mogadishu partnership is "extremely positive and growing by the day and by the night," said the visiting Somali president on Tuesday. Speaking at a panel titled Benefits of the Türkiye-Somalia Partnership, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said